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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Poem of the Week

Looks like Wednesday is the day for poems. *flips through book of poems to find the best one* FOUND IT! The actual poem is in two pieces but not for very long.

Behold! Beautiful Raven!
But first some back story! This poem belongs with a story that I'm writing. The story is about Branwen, a princess who is brought out of exile and has to deal with the changes. She writes a poem through out the story and this is the completed version.

Now for the poem!

Part One
What do a raven and a writing desk have in common?
I have one of each.
Who am I? You ask
I am a rose alone
I am a raven on the coast
Forgotten and abandoned.

Part Two
So here I stand violin in hand
Hear my music, hear my pain, my sorrow
Here I stand roses in hand
A white dress, a golden crown
A princess I was
I queen I am.

In between Part One and Part Two a lot happens. Branwen runs away, she finds out who her secret admirer is, she is given an artifact that hasn't been seen in 6 generations, she challenges her sister and wins a bet. But most important of all she comes to face the fact that she can't run away from who she is and what she is.

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